Service Map

About service map

In 2020, RJS4C Ireland began mapping the organisations involved in restorative justice, the levels of training, and the use of restorative justice and restorative practices in the Irish criminal justice system. We have published data tracking restorative  justice in Ireland from 2019-2022.

This research is ongoing, so please contact us if you would like to be included in the map, or if you have updated data or other materials for us to include below.

The first year of the mapping exercise (pub. Jan 2021) was funded by the Department of Justice.

The mapping of restorative justice in Irish criminal justice was outlined in our Collective Strategy for Ireland, 2019-2023, when stakeholders observed that limited information was publicly available on its use in Irish criminal justice.

We divided organisations into three groups. For each group, we also publish a narrative Group Overview and Summary Tables.

To collect data, we developed and piloted a standard template, and populated these using publicly available information. We then wrote to the heads of services and networks to seek any unpublished statistics and any other information about their training and use of restorative justice and practices.

We showed contributors the final versions of profiles before publication. Not all feedback could be accommodated in the interests of standardisation. We accept responsibility for any errors or omissions.

The results of the mapping exercise are presented in the adjacent pages. These pages will be updated regularly as new or amended information is received. Please get in touch if you have new or updates information you would like to contribute.

In January 2021, we published a ‘first sweep’ of data, covering the 2019 calendar year. Later in 2021, Release and the Solas Project added new service profiles to the list; these are not included in the Group 2 Overview and Summary Tables.

In June 2022, we published a ‘second sweep’ of data for Group 1 covering restorative justice services in the 2020 calendar year. We also published a detailed analysis of the 2019 data in the International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice – Mapping Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices in Criminal Justice in the Republic of Ireland. You can access the article here.

In May 2023, we collected and published a smaller dataset, covering referrals, and completions with face-to-face and indirect victim dialogue for the years 2021 and 2022. We continued this process into 2024, publishing referrals and completions again for the 2023 calendar year in June 2024.

We are extremely grateful to all contributors for their time and collegiality in working with us on this project.