Research Summaries

Walker and Kobayashi (2020) on restorative reentry circles

Intern Jenny Finlay summarises work by Walker and Kobayashi taking place in the US State of Hawai’i. The article, Hawai’i Federal Court Restorative Reentry Circle Pilot Project (2020, Federal Probation, 84, 48-55) explores a recent project using circle processes to...

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Bolitho (2015) on meeting victims’ justice needs

Intern Grace Hughes’ second research summary focuses on the delivery of restorative justice in practice. Here, she reviews Jane Bolitho’s Putting justice needs first: A case study of best practice in restorative justice (2015, Restorative Justice: An International...

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Kilkelly (2011) on the Garda Youth Diversion Programme

Intern Grace Hughes’ first summary explores the Garda Youth Diversion Programme. Grace reviews Ursula Kilkelly’s Policing, Young People, Diversion and Accountability in Ireland (2011, Crime, Law and Social Change, 55(2), 133-151), analysing the policy framework for...

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Goulding, Hall and Steels (2008) on restorative prisons

In our third research summary, intern Karl McGrath has kindly reviewed the article by Goulding, Hall & Steels (2008), Restorative Prisons: Towards Radical Prison Reform (Current Issues in Criminal Justice. 20(2) 231-242). Building on the summaries of Hopkins...

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Hopkins (2015) on building restorative organisational cultures

In the first of our series of research summaries, intern Karl McGrath has kindly reviewed Belinda Hopkins' recent article, From Restorative Justice to Restorative Culture (2015, Revista de Asistenta Sociala. 14:4, 19-34). This summary, the original article to which it...

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