Multimedia Resources

RTÉ: Janet O'Brien discusses her experience of restorative justice

Radio: Janet O’Brien speaks to Claire Byrne about her experience of restorative jsutice with the person who killed her son in an unprovoked one-punsh attack. Rachel Lillis from the Probation Service also joins the programme to speak about restorative justice.

Newstalk: What changes are needed for young offenders?

Radio: Dr. Ian Marder, Lecturer in Criminology from the Department of Law at Maynooth University and member of the Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change project, spoke to Sean about youth diversion programmes and how restorative justice works. 

Restorative practices in Oberstown Children Detention Campus

Podcast: In ep. 13 of CDI’s Circles of Connection podcast, they speak to staff and managers at Oberstown, who use restorative practices to build relationships and solve problems with and among the young people in their care.

Reparation Panel, Case Enactment

Video: This short film shows a fictional Offender Reparation Panel, involving a police officer, probation officer, volunteer chairperson and client.

They got her this time, Son.

News article: This collaborative piece between The Atlantic and The Marshall Project discusses efforts to use RJ with homicide.

Policed in Ireland – Children

Podcast: One of the most relevant episodes of the new podcast series to RJ, this episode of Policed talks about youth policing here and the Juvenile Liaison Office system.

The Woolf Within

Video: The story of Peter Woolf and Will Riley, the former of whom burgled the latter, after which the two met through restorative justice and collaborated to establish Why Me? – an advocacy body for RJ.

Ear Hustle ep. 36 - Tell Christy I Love Her

Podcast: Tom was a cop; Jason was a teenager in a gang. One night in 1997, they had a violent encounter that Tom describes as “inevitable.” Tom and Jason relate the story of that night, and the series of events that unfolded afterward.

DEcarcerated - Danielle Sered

Podcast: In this episode of Marlon Peterson’s podcast, he interviews Danielle Sered, author of Until we Reckon and founder of Common Justice, a restorative justice service in New York focusing on violence.

Irish Times: 'Victims tend to be much more satisfied'

News article: Judge Paul Kelly, President of the District Court, discusses his experience with, and support for, the use of restorative justice in cases with direct victims.

I met my brother's killer - A Bit of A Stretch

Podcast episode – listen to Nick Dawson’s story as he describes meeting the person who killed his twin brother in an in-prison restorative conference.

Restorative inquiries centre survivors in our response to institutional abuse

News article: This 2023 Irish Times article by Marie Keenan and Ian Marder outlines the process and benefits of a restorative inquiry, giving examples from Canada and New Zealand.

Restorative Justice International - Ailbhe Griffith and Dr. Marie Keenan

Podcast: Lisa Rea, RJI, interviews Griffith and Keenan on their parts in 2018 film The Meeting and their advocacy around restorative justice and sexual violence more broadly.

Alternatives to Violence Project, Ireland

Video: Facilitators from AVP Ireland discuss their experience of this in-prison restorative programme.

Victim-offender meetings stopped by gardaí due to resource issues

News article: This Irish Times piece from 2019 reports on the decline in victim involvement in restorative cautions in recent years, as first reported by the annual review of the juvenile diversion programme.

Accepting I'm A Murderer

Video: Four years before making The Punch (below), Jacob Dunne speaks to a TV show about meeting the parents of the person he killed.

Irish Times - Beware the dangers of restorative justice

News article: In this piece from 2016, Conor Gallagher reports the story of John Carvin and a real case of restorative justice being poorly offered and misunderstood.

Repairing the Harm (Sussex, UK) - 2015

Video: Watch interviews and real  footage from a British restorative conference between a couple and a man who burgled them.

European Forum for Restorative Justice - Vimeo channel

Videos: Find here a range of talks on resotrative justice and children’s rights, violent extremism, domestic violence, sexual violence, hate crime and more.

Probation Service podcast series - On Probation

Podcast episodes: The new On Probation podcast series includes episodes on restorative justice, community based organisations and Circles of Support and Accountability.

I'm a victor not a victim: taking back power in domestic abuse - Transform Justice Podcast

Podcast episode: This episode of the Transform Justice Podcast hosts Janika Cartwright, who survived an attempt on her life by her ex-partner and is a passionate advocate for restorative justice, and Jackie Sebire, retired police officer and co-author of Policing Domestic Abuse.

When victims of crime come face to face with their offenders

Podcast episode: This episode of the Sunday World’s podcast Crime World with Nicola Tallant discusses the role of restorative justice in reforming criminal justice and meeting the needs of victims and perpetrators of crime.

Peace by Piece

Podcast series: A podcast series featuring stories and insights from peace activists in Northern Ireland. Interviews include David Eagleson on restorative justice and practices in Northern prisons, and Debbie Watters on NI Alternatives. 

A Question of Justice

Podcast: When Ray and Vi Donovan left court after the sentencing of three boys who murdered their 18-year-old son, Christopher, they said they had justice for Chris, but not the truth. They still didn’t know why Christopher was murdered on a May evening in 2001. That was a question the trial didn’t answer and only his killers could.

Restorative Justice International - Barbara Walshe

Podcast: Walshe, Chair of Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation, discusses her restorative justice work in post-conflict settings.

Restorative Justice International - Austin Stack

Podcast: Stack, Assistant Governor with the Irish Prison Service and son of Brian Stack who was killed by the IRA, discusses his views on restorative justice.

I met man who abused me as a child

Video: Laura Coel speaks to BBC News about going to a prison to meet her stepfather through a restorative justice process.

Paul Kohler faces attackers

Video: Paul Kohler, a victim of aggravated burglary, speaks to a UK TV show about why he and his family, for different reasons, wish to meet the attackers in prison.

What is restorative justice? (Scotland)

Video: An explanation of how restorative justice works and can be accessed, designed for the Scottish public.

Sins of the Father

Non-fiction book: Read Shaneda Daly’s incredible story of growing up with her sexually abusive father in Ireland, before eventually participating in restorative justice with him while he was in prison many years later.

Survivor on how meeting her abuser put her in a position of power

News article: This 2022 Irish Examiner article recounts the story of Maria (not her real name) who met the man who has sexually abused her many years earlier, in the context of the restorative justice forum established in response to abuse in Spiritan-run schools.

She gave me a nice shiner but I didn’t want her to go to jail

News article: This 2019 Irish Times article interviews a person who opted to receive a letter from the young girl who assaulted him.

Restorative justice is racial justice

Podcast: The Center for Court Innovation has run restorative justice programs in five Brooklyn high schools. [But] what about accountability for the system that has produced these underserved schools and then punishes the kids for reacting to that neglect?

It's an odd experience, playing yourself

News article: Ailbhe Griffith speaks to the Independent in 2019 about The Meeting, a film in which Ailbhe plays herself participating in a real victim-offender mediation with her rapist, upon release from prison.

Survivor reveals how she took back power by confronting her rapist father in jail

News article and video: Report of Shaneda Daly’s 2018 appearance on Claire Byrne, describing her meeting with her father in prison.

Jo Nodding - The Meeting

Video: Jo met the person who raped her through restorative justice. In this video, she tells the story of the offence and her own experience of restorative justice.

BBC Radio 4 - The Punch

Podcast series: At 18, Jacob Dunne was convicted of manslaughter for killing a man with a single punch. This podcast series tells the story of his transformation, with help from the unlikeliest of places.

Restorative Posters - Representing Justice Visually

Art: Inspired by a set of restorative questions, a group of US artists created posters, now available for free downloading on this site. The goal  is to widely disseminate the art so that people ask new and different questions when harms are done in their communities.