Restorative Practices Ireland

A.     Service overview and contact details 

Focus of restorative justice (RJ) and restorative practices (RP) activities 

RPI is a national network of RP trainers and practitioners that promotes and supports the use of restorative approaches spanning all sectors of the community, including the criminal justice sector. RPI promotes use of RP and supports those facilitating its expanded use through its advocacy role, organisation of regional and national events, engagement in collaboration and joint developments, working collaboratively with other structures and organisations, and developing capacity, systems and infrastructures, which support the growth and sustainability of restorative practices. RPI works closely with the Restorative Practice Forum Northern Ireland. 

Year of commencement (RJ/RP elements)  

In 2011, the first meeting of the Restorative Practices Strategic Forum was convened in Dublin by the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI). The Forum was renamed Restorative Practices Ireland (RPI) in 2014.

Service details

Restorative Practices Ireland (RPI)


Head of service 

Marian Quinn, Steering Committee Chair


Tel: 01 494 0030

Staffing structure

RPI is a member-based, voluntary organisation without staff. It is led by a Steering Committee chaired by CDI and involving members from a variety of community, voluntary and State agency backgrounds. Membership of RPI is not formally established and membership is not a pre-requisite to participation in activities.

Staff training in RJ/RP

The management committee is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds including mediation, criminal justice, community development, and peace and reconciliation work. Committee members have diverse restorative justice and restorative practice backgrounds, experience and qualifications. 

Use of volunteers 

The Steering Committee comprises members of State agencies and funded organisations and individual volunteers.

Volunteer training in RJ/RP

Not applicable

Main source(s) of funding

RPI operates without formal funding. CDI funds specific activities from time to time. 

Organisational status

Membership organisation. A process is underway to establish RPI as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status.  

Target client group

All sectors of the community, locally, regionally and nationally.

Nature of offences

Not applicable

Source of referrals

Not applicable

Geographic area of activity


B.     Nature of RJ/RP service

RJ/RP services provided

Advocacy: RPI promotes and supports the use of restorative approaches spanning all sectors of the community. It seeks to provide a coherent, collective voice for restorative practitioners, with a strong, active membership base, promote high quality restorative practices, advocate on behalf of members and support members in their professional practice and development. Current activities include establishment of a course endorsement process, updating of its RP quality assurance framework, organisational development and organisation of regional meetings. 

Events: events organised include workshops, symposiums and conferences to further promote RP across the island of Ireland and support RP practitioners.

Activity levels

Not available 

Community participation 

Not applicable


Not applicable

C.     Sources of further information 

Website: Restorative Practices Ireland

RP Quality Assurance Framework (2014)