A. Service overview and contact details
Focus of restorative justice (RJ) and restorative practices (RP) activities
Wexford Restorative Practices Partnership (WRPP) is a multi-agency body with the objective of developing restorative practices throughout County Wexford. It promotes and supports the use of restorative justice and restorative approaches spanning all sectors of the community in County Wexford through the development of strategies designed to embed these practices across communities including schools, neighbourhoods, youth services, social care and criminal justice services in the context of a life cycle approach. As part of its activities, it provides training in restorative practices.
Year of commencement (RJ/RP elements)
Service details
Wexford Restorative Practices Partnership (WRPP)
The Cornmarket Project
Spawell Road
Website: http://www.wrpp.ie/
Email: wexfordrpp@gmail.com
Tel: 053 915 5817
Head of service
Paul Delaney, Chairman
Email: wexfordrpp@gmail.com
Tel: 053 915 5800
Staffing structure
Wexford Local Development, through the Cornmarket Project, are the lead agency and administrators for WRPP. Current membership includes Tusla, County Wexford Children and Young People’s Services Committee, the Probation Service, Waterford-Wexford Education and Training Board, Wexford Education Centre, Wexford County Council, Wexford Local Development, the Gardaí, Slaney Youth Diversion Project, Youth New Ross, SAFE Youth Diversion Project and the Cornmarket Project. Tusla provide resources to employ a part time administrator for WRPP.
Staff training in RJ/RP
The Partnership is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds with diverse restorative justice and restorative practice backgrounds and qualifications.
Use of volunteers
Not applicable
Volunteer training in RJ/RP
Not applicable
Main source(s) of funding
Tusla and Wexford Children & Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC).
Annual budget
€10,000 in 2020.
Nature of funding
Organisational status
Administered by the Cornmarket Project – Wexford Local Development.
Target client group
Community, voluntary and statutory organisations.
Nature of offences
Not applicable – training provider only.
Source of referrals
Individuals or organisations can apply for training via the WRPP website.
Geographic area of activity
County Wexford
B. Nature of RJ/RP service
RJ/RP services provided
- RP Training
- Annual Conferences
RP Training: All training provided by WRPP is certified by bodies that include the International Institute for Restorative Practices (IIRP) and Childhood Development Initiative (CDI). WRPP provide several different training options, including:
- 1-Day RP Practitioner Training focusing on RP theory and key elements of Restorative Practices as well as skills in affective statements and questions and small impromptu conferences and meetings
- 3-Day RP Facilitator Training aimed at managers and/or key members of staff with specific RP responsibilities and focusing on facilitation of formal RP Conferencing
- 2-Day Upskilling Training leading to certification as an RP facilitator
- An online e-Learning course ‘An Introduction to Restorative Practices’
Annual Conferences: WRPP held a conference in November 2018 on the theme of ‘Embedding Restorative Practices in County Wexford’, which was attended by 75 delegates from many different sectors (e.g. education, youth services, criminal justice, etc.). WRPP was officially launched during its inaugural conference in October 2016 on the theme of ‘Developing Restorative Practice in County Wexford’, which was attended by 60 delegates.
Activity levels
WRPP does not provide direct RP/RJ services, but does provide a range of training courses.
Community participation
Not applicable
Staff from the following organisations and groups in County Wexford have attended WRPP Training:
Probation Service, Garda, Education, Local Authority, Youth Services, Community Groups, Social Care, Social Work.
C. Sources of further information