A. Service overview and contact details
Focus of restorative justice (RJ) and restorative practice (RP) activities
Tivoli Training Centre delivers an innovative programme of education, training and self-development for marginalised people from the Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown and wider South Dublin/North Wicklow area. It addresses the individual needs of clients and involves their families and other organisations in a planned programme of activities. It uses a strength-based approach, which focuses on further developing client’s strengths and abilities. Tivoli seeks to be restorative by seeking to rebuild relationships and communications where they break down and help clients to rebuild relationships with their communities. When issues arise, it seeks to deal with these in a restorative manner.
Year of commencement (RJ/RP elements)
Not available
Service details
Tivoli Training Centre (TTC)
24 Tivoli Terrace South
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
Website: https://www.tivolitrainingcentre.ie/
Email: info@tivolitrainingcentre.ie
Tel: 01 284 1028
Head of service
Richard Phillips, Programme Development Manager
01 284 1028
Staffing structure
Tivoli has 18 staff in total, including one Programme Development Manager, two Adult’s Programme Co-Ordinators, one Young People’s Programme Co-Ordinator and ten tutors.
Staff training in RJ/RP
The staff team trained in restorative practices and restorative circles. The Programme Development Manager trained in restorative conferencing.
Use of volunteers
Board members only.
Volunteer training in RJ/RP
Induction training for board members.
Main source(s) of funding
Tivoli Training Centre is funded by the Department of Justice through the Probation Service and the Irish Youth Justice Service. Tivoli is also supported by the Department of Education through the Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education Training Board (DDLETB).
Annual budget
In 2018, the Tivoli Training Centre had income of €656,755.
Nature of funding
Organisational status
Tivoli Training Centre is an independent charity and is governed by a board of directors drawn from the agencies Tivoli works alongside, as well as representatives from the local area.
Target client group
Persons socially, economically or in any way deprived or disadvantaged, or first time offenders and persons on probation from the Courts. Tivoli operates programmes for young persons and adults. Services for young people include education, training and regular key-working, optional activities and outings. Services for adults are available in line with Probation Service referrals for adults who have been given a Probation Order, Community Service Order, Post-release Supervision or a Community Return place. Tivoli also supports clients on day release from prison in order for them to reintegrate towards the end of a life sentence, usually under parole conditions. In 2018, it worked with 135 clients, comprising 32 young people and 103 adults.
Nature of offences
Not limited to specific categories
Source of referrals
In 2018, referrals to Tivoli came from the Probation Service (79%), Young Persons Probation (14%), Self-referrals (<1%), JLOs (4%), Garda Diversion Projects (2%) and the HSE (<1%).
Geographic area of activity
Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown and wider South Dublin/North Wicklow area.
B. Nature of RJ/RP service
RJ/RP services provided
Tivoli seeks to carry out all aspects of its business in a restorative manner. It hosts restorative conferences and family conferences run by other agencies from time to time.
Activity levels
In 2018, Tivoli worked with 135 clients.
Community participation
Not applicable
Offence breakdown
Not applicable
Offender age and gender breakdown
Not applicable. In 2018, Tivoli worked with 32 young people and 103 adults.
Not applicable
C. Sources of further information
Tivoli Training Centre
Charities Regulator