Recent News
Restorative justice in the Oireachtas and Justice Plan 2022, open jobs in the field – April 2022 update
April 2022 update - Restorative justice in the Oireachtas and Justice Plan 2022, open jobs in the field of restorative justice service provision Restorative justice discussed in Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice Restorative justice was discussed by TDs and...
Launch of Criminal Justice Sectoral Strategy, Northern Irish Adult RJ Strategy, Law Reform Commission consultation on state compensation for victims – March update
March update - Launch of Criminal Justice Sectoral Strategy, Northern Irish Adult RJ Strategy, Law Reform Commission consultation on state compensation for victims Criminal Justice Sectoral Strategy launched This month saw the launch of the Criminal Justice Sectoral...
Over 130 participate in national sharing webinar on restorative community development
From 9:30-11:30 on March 1st 2022, over 130 people joined a national webinar on restorative community development. The webinar aimed to create a platform for local restorative practice networks to share elements of their work with others engaged, or hoping to engage,...
Gratitude for Kieran O’Dwyer; spotlight on victims of crime; new blog on the Venice Declaration – February update
Gratitude for Kieran O'Dwyer; spotlight on victims of crime; new blog on the Venice Declaration - February update Our sincerest gratitude and best wishes to Dr. Kieran O’Dwyer After three years as a core member of RJS4C, Kieran is stepping down to focus on other...
Venice Declaration adopted; RPI launches quality assurance framework; RJ in England and Northern Ireland – January update
January update - Venice Declaration adopted; RPI launches quality assurance framework; RJ in England and Northern Ireland Venice Declaration unanimously adopted by European justice ministers December 2021 saw justice ministers from across Europe meet in Italy...
Restorative community development webinar; spotlight on Scotland; European sex offenders’ Recommendation – December update
December update - Restorative Community Development webinar; spotlight on Scotland; European sex offenders' Recommendation RJS4C collaborates on restorative community development webinar – register now! Following a successful in-person event in Cabra in...
International RJ week events; Mother and Baby Homes reports cite restorative practices – November update
November update - International Restorative Justice Week events; Mother and Baby Homes reports cite restorative practices Events for International RJ Week and beyond This month, there are several events marking International Restorative Justice Week (21-27 November)....
Blogs reviewing Stronger, research on supporting victims in restorative justice, and seeking interviewees published; jobs, events, articles and videos – October update
October update - Blogs reviewing Stronger, research on supporting victims in restorative justice, and seeking interviewees published; jobs, events, articles and videos Stronger completes run at Dublin Theatre Festival, stakeholder group members publish...
New infographics available; Stronger beginning this month; review of Michael Inside published – September update
September update - New infographics available; Stronger beginning this month; review of Michael Inside published Infographics on restorative justice in Ireland published We are very grateful to the Department of Justice’s Service Design and Customer Insights team for...
New infographics now available on restorative justice in Ireland
We are very grateful to the Department of Justice Service Design and Customer Insights teams for working with us in recent months to develop two fantastic new infographics. The purpose of this work was to find new ways to communicate the meaning and use of restorative...
New case study in Castlerea; Q&A with playwright of Stronger; annual reports published – August update
August update - New case study in Castlerea; Q&A with playwright of Stronger; annual reports published New case study published on peer mediation in Castlerea Prison We are very grateful to colleagues in Castlerea for producing a fantastic new case study....
Stronger – Q&A with playwright Geoff Power
Stronger – Q&A with playwright Geoff Power Inspired by true events, Stronger tells the gripping story of Jan, a teacher who is sexually assaulted by her student. As Jan journeys through the legal system, she struggles to find closure and her life is in danger of...
Contribute to the consultation before 4th Aug; new case study of restorative dialogue within An Garda Síochána – July update
July update - Contribute to the consultation before 4th Aug; new case study Around 200 stakeholders attend Department of Justice/RJS4C consultations Earlier in July, RJS4C collaborated with the Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Policy group to design and...
Restorative justice in the Dáil and UK Parliament – June update
June update - Restorative justice in the Dáil and UK Parliament Department of Justice/RJS4C Ireland stakeholder consultation on 1st and 7th July; RJ mentioned in the Dáil In collaboration with the Department of Justice, we are hosting two online sessions to discuss...
Register now: Department of Justice/RJS4C consultation on restorative justice services in Ireland (1st & 7th July)
In May 2021, the Department of Justice's Criminal Justice Policy group invited RJS4C to contribute their expertise, knowledge, experience and network to support the delivery of commitments in the Department of Justice Action Plan 2021. Their focus was on Action 160:...
RJS4C Ireland publishes briefing for Criminal Justice Strategic Committee, supports forthcoming consultations
In May 2021, the Department of Justice's Criminal Justice Policy group invited RJS4C to contribute their expertise, knowledge, experience and network to support the delivery of commitments in the Department of Justice Action Plan 2021. Their focus was on Action 160:...
RJS4C project extended; Northern Irish consultation response published – May update
May update - RJS4C Project Extended; Northern Irish Consultation Response Published European RJS4C meeting presents international experiences, extends project to 2024 RJS4C is a European project with 40 Core Members from ten countries (Albania, Belgium, Czech...
Youth justice strategy published; spotlight on restorative practice case studies – April update
April update - Youth Justice Strategy Published; Spotlight on Restorative Practices Restorative justice in the new Youth Justice Strategy (2021-2027) Restorative justice features prominently in the new Youth Justice Strategy. At its launch, Prof. Sean Redmond...
New policing case studies published – March update
March 2021 update - New case studies and service profiles published We are pleased to announce the publication of some fantastic new case studies of restorative conferencing by Juvenile Liaison Officers as part of the Garda Youth Division Programme. This...
Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change Ireland launches new website
We are delighted to launch the new website of Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change (RJS4C) Ireland. RJS4C is a cross-European project involving around 40 partners from ten jurisdictions, the goal of which is to refocus European criminal justice systems,...
Department of Justice and RJS4C organise webinar marking International Restorative Justice Week 2020
Department of Justice and RJS4C organise webinar marking International Restorative Justice Week On Thursday November 19th 2020, Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change (RJS4C) collaborated with the Department of Justice to organise and deliver a webinar marking...
RJS4C Ireland collaborate with Irish Prison Service on workshop for HQ staff
RJS4C Ireland collaborate with Irish Prison Service on workshop for HQ staff On the afternoon of 13th October 2020, Dr. Ian Marder (Core Member, RJS4C Ireland) collaborated with ACO Angelena Murphy from the Irish Prison Service (IPS) College to organise and deliver a...
Socially-distanced restorative practices day held at IPS College
On 31st August 2020, Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change Irish Core Members collaborated with Irish Prison Service College (IPSC) tutors to organise a one-day workshop on restorative practices training. The day took place as part of a wider IPS project relating...
Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change receives grant from Department of Justice and Equality
In July 2020, the Restorative Justice: Strategies for Change Irish Core Members were successful in obtaining a small grant from the Department of Justice and Equality. The purpose of the grant is to support the group’s work in setting up a website for the project,...