Screening of The Meeting, article on restorative youth justice, using RP to build understanding between Gardaí and Black community – October 2022 update
19th October 2022

October update – Screening of The Meeting, article on restorative youth justice, using RP to build understanding between Gardaí and Black community

Screening of The Meeting for RJ Week, with Maynooth University School of Law and Criminology

This International Restorative Justice Week (20-25 November), Maynooth University will host a screening of The Meeting. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a film about a real Irish case of restorative justice following serious sexual violence. The victim, Ailbhe Griffith, plays herself. The screening is on Monday November 21st from 5-8pm, with a panel of speakers: Dr. Marie Keenan (UCD), Dr. Sinéad Ring (Maynooth University) and Dr. Gemma Irvine (Maynooth University). Around 400 people have registered already – please sign up now to attend!

Restorative practices used to build understanding between Gardaí and young Black adults in Blanchardstown

An ongoing project in Blanchardstown involves Gardaí and young Black adults receiving training in restorative practices, before co-designing and co-facilitating a dialogue process with additional members of both groups. You can see a case study with quotes from project partners here (picked up by the Irish Examiner here). You can also read an article on RTÉ explaining the context and process here.

New article on maximising the potential of restorative youth justice in Ireland

Dr. Louise Forde and I published an article in the journal Youth Justice. It explores the use of restorative justice and restorative practices in Irish youth justice to-date, and analyses the new Youth Justice Strategy 2021-2027 in light of international evidence that suggests we should minimise the intensity of justice interventions for children, and maximise their participation in the process. You can download the article free from here, and see the Irish Youth Justice Strategy here.

Please let us know if we can add your work to our Stakeholder Publications page, or if you want to write a summary of your research or publication for our Blog.

Research examining the economic benefits of RJ launched

UK-based NGO Why Me? has completed an excellent study on the economic benefits of restorative justice. You can access the recording of their launch event using this link.

Other materials of possible interest