Dr. Kieran O’Dwyer
Chair, Restorative Practices Ireland
On Saturday 25 November, Newbridge College will host a one-day conference, bringing together those with expertise, experience and interest in restorative practices (RP) from across Ireland.
The overall themes of the conference are taking stock of restorative practices in Ireland across a range of sectors and exploring the way forward. It will provide a unique opportunity for cross-sectoral learning, with engaging discussions, informative workshops, and networking opportunities. Designed for seasoned professionals and relative newcomers to the field alike, the programme includes two keynote speakers – Prof. Tim Chapman, Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde and Prof. Mary Corcoran, Professor Sociology at Maynooth University – and two sets of breakout sessions, one with a sectoral focus and one focused on cross-sectoral themes. The conference concludes with a panel discussion on the future development of RP in Ireland.
The sectoral sessions include a focus on the justice sector (with inputs from the Probation Service and Garda Youth Diversion Bureau), as well as on RP in community and youth work settings (with inputs on community safety and youth justice projects) and in the education, family and sporting settings. The cross-sectoral sessions include discussions on innovation, trauma, accountability, implementation and quality assurance in restorative practices. Two communities of practice will be held in parallel with the breakout sessions.
The conference will take place in Newbridge College on Saturday 25 November. Registration opens at 08.45, and the first presentation begins at 09.30. For further information and to register, please see the Restorative Practices Ireland website here.